Engineering Hydraulics
Engineering Hydraulics covers a spectrum of problems that range widely in physical scale and can involve flows in rivers, estuaries, and coastal zones. Engineers face many challenges solving these problems whilst maintaining appropriate environnmental balance. For example, the management of an urban drainage system, or the supply of headwater to a hydro-electric generating station both involve the interaction between different hydraulic/hydrologic systems, stakeholder concerns, and environmental regulations. CFD has a significant role to play in the analysis of these complex problems.
CFD has been used to assist in the design of the water supply systems, the design of improved hydro-electric turbines and the control of discharge flows. In addition, fish-passes (or fish-ladders) and weirs, which are a feature of hydro-electric generating facilities that permit safe passage of migratory fish, are also now being designed using CFD. Formerly, all of these projects would have required large scale and expensive physical models built in the lab.
Understanding the hydraulic behavior of complex systems enables Blue Hill Hydraulics to provide energy efficient solutions, develop innovative original designs, and to increase the potential of existing systems at the minimum cost.
Some of the engineering hydraulics problems we have solved with CFD are described in the links from this page. Contact Blue Hill Hydraulics to find out how to solve your hydraulics problems.